maandag 13 oktober 2014

Military technology - Silent communication devices

Silent communication devices

By Jeffrey Koelewijn from Holland.

This is a sketch, notebook for silent communication devices.
Maybe it already exists or exists partly.

I give full permission to use anything in this text to create
silent communication devices or something else.

This technology is very usefull for the military.
-With some commando or special forces missions they need to lay in wait
 5 to 10 metres from the enemy, if they can communicate
 in this situation this makes a big difference.
Version 2 is suitable for this type of situation

People who hunt with one to four people could
also benefit from this technology.

Handsignalling works very good and is better for short and
fast needed information.
And is most silent.

Version 1:
A very simple version that amplifies speech and sends it.
Whispering is enough.
Version one: It is small and it has a small microphone that can be
done up and down.
-Maybe there is some better technology to input speech.
-Or a better way to fit the microphone on the body.
 People who wear bracelets might find it usefull if it
 is fit around their wrist.
 -A way is to put a small button and a very small microphone
  in an elastic bracelet that fits and stays put in one place on the wrist.
Two: A very small kind of handheld transceiver, or HT.
-But then for multiple people if possible.
With both versions small earplugs that don't fall because
of the safety fitted around the ear.
-Or maybe even better ways to receive audio.
With both versions there is protection in or around the
microphone so wind will not affect the microphone by creating
sound noise.
How to amplify whispering to normal speech.
How well can it be heard and understood
-It needs to be understood just as good as normal speech.
Whispering can be heard from a certain amount of metres.
-It needs some training to whisper just hard enough.
It is not usable for missions or situations
where the enemy is withing a certain range.

Version 2:
Works with the vibrations of the vocal cords.
It should be very small and is put around the neck.
Small earplugs that don't fall because of the safety fitted
around the ear.
-Or maybe even better ways to receive audio.
The device has protection against external sound so
that only the words and sentences from the vocal cords
can be heard.
The device that records the vibrations of the vocal cords is put around the neck.
The device could also be fitted in a combat suit or something that looks like
a wetsuit.
How to put the device around the neck and how to make it stay in place,
even through various movements including running.
-This should first be tested.
It needs training.
Some people will find it annoying to have something around their neck
-are there sollutions for this
 -With nanotechnology a very small wireless device could be used.
How well can the words and sentences be heard.
-It needs to be heard just as good as normal speech
-Movement of the tongue creates better words.
 But will this help as the device is fit around the throat.
Can a person think without his words being inputted and send.
-It would be very annoying if a person is thinking and this
 would be send.
Are there any dangers for the vocal cords if done for a prolonged
period of time.

Problems with both versions:
How will person a reach person c.
-If it is a two man version they can just say something and
 say over.
-A lot could be learned from racing headsets communication
-A lot could be learned from modern(ano 2014 or later) military communication
-Maybe there is some usefull information and technology in gaming(computer games)
Where to put the button(s) if needed.
Where to put the power supply.
-It needs a (very) small power supply.
 -how long can it stay on.
How far could it reach.
-How to make versions that can reach very far so
 the base or headquarters can be reached and
 orders can be given.
Can it be intercepted and heard by the enemy.
-How to make it so that it can not be intercepted.
Can there be any problems with wireless technology.
Are there any risks of being seen, risks of blowing the cover.
-If so it should only be used instead of normal
 communication devices, if needed.
There is a question how good words and sentences can be heard
-If the speech can not be heard good enough it should not be used by the military.
It should be small but also (mechanically)shock resistant.
Can it be made waterproof.
-Or at least water resistant.
-There are very good chances that the vocal cord version can be made water proof.
The software needs to be created and this will also take up space
-Nanotechnology can reduce the space needed for the computer memory where
 the software is on.
-Nanotechnoly can reduce the space needed for the printplate or object where the software
 is on.
 -How strong can nanotechnological technology be made.

In the future the power supply and the device(s) could be fit in a combat suit.
The wires could be fit in the suit and somethings could be done wireless.

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