zaterdag 15 december 2018

Seeing further and hearing further with simple methods

See further by making a hole with the thumb and pointing finger and holding it right in front of one
eye while holding the other eye closed and seeing through that small hole made with the thumb and pointing finger.-With a camera this is called aperture (f value), the smaller the hole through which light shines,
 the sharper the image. But there is a slight downside, which is less light gets through to the sensor.
-And in real you will have a smaller viewing range.

Making shells with both of the hands and putting each hand behind an ear, with the hands outwards, forwards in around a 45 degree angle.-Experiment with this to hear sounds harder and better to a certain radius
 Note: You get more sound by a certain radius, so less radius but more sound, more focussed
          sort to speak

By Jef Koelewijn
From Holland
Writting on: 15-12-2018. Updated on 27-07-2019

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