woensdag 19 augustus 2020

Experimental notes for submachine gun

Running and shooting with a submachine gun.

And also sprinting.

Very fast

Very versatile

Fast from one target to the other

Sudden targets and shooting them fast

Firing, Running, Firing, Sprinting, Firing

To still or walking at the right times for shooting.

Shooting and walking at the same time.

Running and shooting at the same time. From fast running to slower running and shooting for example.

And fast ambushes. With extremely fast shooting and taking down enemies extremely fast, going from one target to the other extremely fast.

Also: Running to cover.

      Diving or, gliding, sliding to cover or to be completely behind low cover.

      Fast corner shooting, safest ways.

Reloading while running.

Normal firing

And hip fire

Knowing which instinctively

Taking rests at the right times 

-Enough cover, safe place, good place


Training accordingly

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