donderdag 14 januari 2021

Military notes

 Rifle and bayonet stabbing and slicing training


Tank camouflaging

-External camouflage. Putting camouflage textile and more on it.


Walking behind an armoured vehicle, using armoured vehicle as cover

-Also shooting from that cover

 with and without walking


Map reading


Carrying things with multiple people

-Also with certain thick logs


Carrying wounded


Door breaching


-Battering ram


-Shotgun round


Shooting targets

And not shooting, non targets.

Also in a building


Climbing, Rock climbing,

Getting of clifs.

Climbing a building.


Jumping out of an aircraft and parachute.


Dragging or carrying wounded to safety.




Shooting out or from on a vehicle.


Driving with a damaged front wind shield.


Sneaking onto enemy and killing.


Formations. Shooting formations.


Looking around corner, safer, fast and memorizing everything.


How and where smoke screen.


Base building.


Trench systems.

-Also to prevent problems, like diseases etc.




Round like trench.

-Saving grass. Putting in and around again. If possible and time enough.  More camouflaged. First tests if it gives problems.


Getting clothes on with speed.

Also get up any time.



Doing work underwater.


Holding the breath, Holding the breath underwater while still.

Holding the breath underwater while swimming.


Training on the coast.


Diving from a rubber boat.


Scout, collecting information, also about the terrain.

Collecting information about the enemy.


Landmines, Detecting, Marking, Removing.









Hand signals.


Underwater knife fighting, done, possible.

-Training with non sharp knife

Underwater barehanded fighting.

-Tactic: Grabbing oxygen away 


Bus breaching.

Car stopping and breaching.


Taking down tanks with grenades or.

-Grenade or, will roll off

-Hard, skill needed


Ability to take blunt hits



-Sporen natrekken etc. Broken off branches. Broken branches ground. Which way some one walked.

 Foot steps. And more.



Also concealed hiding. Self made. Fast.


Survive artilery.

Survive tanks.


Covers. Best covers.


Support fire.


Hybrid firearm use.

-Being able to shoot with the right hand only and the left hand only

-Right hand trigger pull, two hands. Left hand trigger pull, two hands.

 Right hand trigger pull, right eye open, left eye closed

 Left hand trigger pull, left eye open, right eye closed

 -Training might be needed

-Being able to shoot an assault rifle with right hand trigger pull

 and left hand trigger pull, with shoulder change. 

Dual wielding. Handgun

               Sub machine gun

Extra: Very useful for shooting at left or right side cover also

There are two cummon handgun spannings methods

There are multiple assault rifle spannings methods


Superior hipfire.



-Two handguns


Two handguns as improvised weapons.


One person with shield, in front.


Looking around corners, safer.

Certain methods maybe.


Camouflaging teeth if needed.


Shooting assault rifle with foldable rear stock, without the rear stock extended.


Being able to shoot any weapon.

Being able to shoot any weapon  with any attachment(s).


Knowing the enemies weapons.


Operating unmanned vehicles. 

-Land, air.


 Underwater. On the water.


Repairing military weapons, equipment and vehicles.




Using the landscape.


Making tactics.


Improvised weapons. Also very important for engineers and certain divisions.

-Being able to use what in hand when ambushed and no time to grab firearm.


Traps, trap making.

-Dangerous. Should be undone also. Noting the traps maybe or mines, explosives even.


Pull back.

And tactis like traps.


Smoke screen tactics


Building scaling.


Opening door.


-Crowbar and hammer, for hammering further


-Shotgun, shooting at a certain place

-Kicking door in

Knowing what to do or use for what door.

Window scaling.

-Breaking windows. Clearing the window of most danerous parts.



Primitive weapon making when out of ammo for example.


Compass use.

And compass reading.


Also: Primitive navigation.

 Stars and more.

Also: Knowing time through sun.


Magazine as improvised weapon.



Improvised baricades.


Escaping training.


Walking and shooting.




Fast walking and shooting.

Running and shooting.

-Safety important



Break fall.


Sliding and shooting.

-Safety important


Trainings when hanging from a rope.


Climbing hook with rope.


Clearing area.

Making roads, if needed, short roads.

Making bridges.


Getting vehicles out of ditches, mud and more.

Vehicle repairing and maintainence.


Military vehicle driving skills.


Unwide, nonwide, narrow ladder climbing.




Town, Town-city, City.


Rocks and mountains.



Tropic forests.




All terrains.


Evening, night.

Cold to warm.


From air, In air, gunning.


Guarding preserverance.

-Alertness preserverance.


Throwing improvised weapon, when not fast enough to get real weapon.


What bullets can two military shovels stop.


Sneaking towards, using covers.


Breaching fences with barbed wire. 




Taking prisoners.


Distance eye test.

Night eyes test.


Cold resistance test.

-With monitoring equipment


Smoked building.


Smoking out enemies from a boulding.




Iglo maken.


Sneeuw omsmelten tot drinkbaar water.


Meer onder de sneeuw sneeuw bunker.

-Gevaar in verband met zuurstof, wel veiliger te maken.

Not hitting fellow soldiers and allies with gun fire


Toughness against blunt blows.


Hiding in snow.

Hiding behind trees and amushing.

-And from tree to tree fast


Assault rifle to handgun transition and shooting the handgun one handed.


Stealth with a vehicle.


Put on gas masks.

-Also fast


Shooting while carrying something in the other hand or on the other shoulder.


Barrel swap.


Using a broken off knife blade as a tool.

-Multiple ways

-Using it as a tool for multiple things


Sand digging.

Rough ground digging.

-Roots, gravel and more

And grass removing.

Snow digging.


Assault rifle shooting while wearing a gas mask.


Being able to reload in any position.


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