donderdag 27 december 2018

More advanced reloading

Without firing shots, reloading only.

Reloading while looking at the gun and the magazine.
Blindfolded reloading.
Reloading while walking and looking at the gun and the magazine
Reloading while walking and only looking at the gun or not looking at the gun and the magazine
Reloading while running and while looking at the gun and the magazine.
Reloading while running  and only looking at the gun or not looking at the gun and the magazine.
Reloading while running very fast  and only looking at the gun or not looking at the gun and the magazine.

And also increase the reloading speed with each of the above.

By Jeffrey Koelewijn

Update: Doing speed reloads and tactical reloads like this.

Update: Reloading while kneeled. Reloading from cover. Reloading while laying on the ground.

zaterdag 15 december 2018

Seeing further and hearing further with simple methods

See further by making a hole with the thumb and pointing finger and holding it right in front of one
eye while holding the other eye closed and seeing through that small hole made with the thumb and pointing finger.-With a camera this is called aperture (f value), the smaller the hole through which light shines,
 the sharper the image. But there is a slight downside, which is less light gets through to the sensor.
-And in real you will have a smaller viewing range.

Making shells with both of the hands and putting each hand behind an ear, with the hands outwards, forwards in around a 45 degree angle.-Experiment with this to hear sounds harder and better to a certain radius
 Note: You get more sound by a certain radius, so less radius but more sound, more focussed
          sort to speak

By Jef Koelewijn
From Holland
Writting on: 15-12-2018. Updated on 27-07-2019

maandag 10 december 2018

More shooting information and two drills

Trigger finger placement and problems:
-Too much to the left, gun will go right a bit
-Too much to the right, gun will go to the left a bit
-Too high, gun will go up a bit
-Too low, gun might go up or down a bit, depending on certain factors.

Keeping sight alignment while moving around
-Moving from slow to very fast to running
-Walking forward, backwards, sideways, pivotting. And just random movement.

Left to right and right to left transition drills assualt rifle
 Sometimes needed from cover
 1 Switch from shoulder
 2 Complete regrip
So you're shooting from the right side from a cover and then you go to the other side and shoot.