maandag 20 juli 2020

Important hearing training

Being able to distinquish multiple sounds and hear sound correctly and more.


Being able to concentrate on sound. 

Being able to hear someone or something when there's noise(s).



Increasing noise and noises. While needing to hear someone, recorded words or sentences or hearing something.

Making a full training.

vrijdag 17 juli 2020

A scope and a red dot, both on the assault rifle

A scope and a red dot, both on the assault rifle.

-Scope for far away enemies.
-Red dot for close by enemies.

Tilting the assault rifle to change from scope to red dot or from red dot to scope.

With a scope it's hard to shoot 2-3 closer by enemies, because of the searching needed, it's to zoomed in.
And with a red dot it's hard to shoot far away enemies.

zaterdag 11 juli 2020

Combat positions and movements for shooting

Combat positions and movements for shooting.

Full sideways on the ground.
On the stomach.
Sitting, with legs forwards.
And more positions

-And best positions for long term, due to for example, foot plant and or hand placement, leg angles, arm angles and so forth.

Best ways to get to positions. How to move.

From position to position.

Best positions and placements and angles for recoil control.

Best position for the situation.

Best ways to get to positions on:
-Hard ground

Should become instinctive.

With multiple different weapons.

And also reloading.

Break falling.


Good training:
From standing to kneeling.
-To left leg forwards
-To right leg forwards

To full sideways on the ground position.

To on the stomach.

To kneeling again.

To standing again.

Stealth, extra

Suppressing heavy, loud breathing.

Holding in sneezing.

A shovelling method

Short shovel.

A method:
Shovelling, squated. Straight back. 

Instant change over to a kneeling position to shovel further, when standing is becoming uncomfortable.

And instant change over again to standing shovelling, squated, straight backed.


Standing shovelling, to kneeling shovelling, to standing shovelling, to kneeling shovelling, until done.