dinsdag 30 juli 2019


A bayonet is a knife, sword or spike which can be put on the end of the muzzle of a rifle or assault rifle.

Nowadays it's basicly only used when out of ammo.
But it can also be used though to kill an enemy silently with a single thrust after sneaking up to an enemy.

-It makes the weapon a little bit heavier.
-It makes the weapon a little bit longer to quiet a lot longer.

Handgun and assault rifle as an improvised weapon when out of ammo

Assault rifle: Rear stock bludgeon blows
               -Rearward or sideways
               And the front of the gun can also be used

Handgun: Hammering whith the handgun at the side of the magazine
                And thrusts with the front side is possible

Unarmed combat - Research extra

Can you rip off flesh, tendons and muscles with the hands
-Strong hands, strong gripping power
-Pulling power
Extra: Strong nails, just right for piercing not too long.

And the research should offcourse be done ethically.

maandag 29 juli 2019

Firearms trainings and drills - Two handed and one handed shooting with assualt rifles and more

Two handed shooting.
-Right handed main grip and trigger pull
-Left handed main grip and trigger pull

One handed shooting. When wounded for example. (safety is very important)
-Right hand
-Left hand

It's possible to train all and can be of use. Though it can be most adviced to train mainly train your main way of shooting.
And changing it up sometimes while shooting a single magazine is possible.

With an assualt rifle, when you have a not to wide cover, you can shoot from both sides by changing up your grip, this can be useful or even
important for tactics.
-Putting it against the right shoulder with a right hand trigger pull for shooting from the right side
 and putting it against the left shoulder with a left hand trigger pull for shooting from the left side

-Right handed shooting: Right eye open and for aiming, left eye closed
-Left handed sooting  : Left eye open and for aiming, right eye closed
Being able to hold one eye open and one eye closed at both sides is a good skill.
-And you can train this for both eyes

Firearms trainings and drills - Handgun two handed and one handed shooting and more

Two handed shooting.
-Right handed grip and trigger pull and left hand supports and pulls slide, cocks the gun
-Left handed grip and trigger pull and right hand supports and pulls slide, cocks the gun

One handed shooting.
-Right hand
-Left hand

It's possible to train all and can be of use. Though it can be most adviced to train mainly train your main way of shooting.
And changing it up sometimes while shooting a single magazine is possible.

-Right handed shooting: Right eye open and for aiming, left eye closed
-Left handed sooting  : Left eye open and for aiming, right eye closed
Being able to hold one eye open and one eye closed at both sides is a good skill.
-And you can train this for both eyes

zaterdag 27 juli 2019

Military shovel as a weapon

The military shovel can be used as an improvised weapon.

There are multiple attacks. And you can hit the hardest by wielding the shovel with two hands. But you can also attack by only grabbing it with one hand.

The ones that have one solid vertical handle are best for this.
And the ones which are triangle shaped at the end aren't really suitable for this according to my opinion.

And there are special military shovels with sharp edges, which are also really meant to be used as a weapon.

Handgun shooting - Slide pull, cocking without using the other hand

Partly theorethical and experimental.
Imporant: Safety.

You can pull the slide, cock the gun with one hand if really needed.
-On the upperleg.
-Just something or somehow you can get enough traction or hook the rear sight or clamp it to cock it.
--Biting down on the slide (at the right place) and then pulling the slide might even be possible.
Important: This basicly isn't for regular training. But it can be very useful to be able to do this if needed. So training it atleast once is not a bad idea (with enough safety knowledge, also especially for this).

By Jef Koelewijn from South-Holland, The Netherlands

Handgun shooting - Slide pull, cocking

Two methods for pulling the slide, cocking.
1: With the thumb and pointing finger.
2: With the pointing, middle, ring and little finger and the palm.

More for military knife fighting 2

Harder stabs and thrusts by also using the other hand
-By grabbing the wrist or by putting the other hand under the knife wielding hand for example.

Dirty unarmed combat fighting

Throw sand
-Works very well against one enemy
-Throwing sand to the eyes of multiple enemies might also be possible. You can also pick up sand
 with both hands.

Push enemies face into the sand.

vrijdag 26 juli 2019

For if an enemy is running away, while being with multiple

Experimental, theorethical tactic:
If you need to capture an enemy while you are with two or three people.
-One or two sprint
-One or two run fast but don't sprint
If the one or two who sprinted don't get him, he will still be tired enough (because of the sprint) and the one or two running fast but not sprinting (must still sprint at the right time) will
very likely capture him.

Shooting drills I do 2

Walking around while keeping sight alignment.


Sticking the gun out repeatedly and doing a sight alignment each time. Best is to get a sight alignement right away.

Part two: Draws only as fast as possible towards the spot before putting the gun forwards.

Part three is to do a full draw + putting the gun forward + sight alignment.
-In less then 1 second with finger on the trigger is a good goal and then even faster.


Shooting while fully on the ground
-All kinds of positions.


Notice: I only train this with an airsoft, airsoft replica's

Unarmed combat - Defense extra

 Theorethical and experimental
Block with your elbow and aim at his fingers with your elbow.

You can also guide his fist towards your elbow.

If you also elbow or a bit towards his fingers it might work even better.

Unarmed close combat - Using sound

Screaming into the enemies ear as hard as possible
-In the clinch
-On the ground

donderdag 25 juli 2019

More for military knife fighting

Warning this is an experimental theorethical military knife fighting manual.
-Theorethical and experimental.
It should normally not be used and or only if really needed and if legal to use for defending oneself.

You can use a normal grip (most adviced).
But you can also use a reverse grip.


Another technique:
Stab and pull through to a direction, downward for example.

For if an enemy is running away

Just grab him, jump on him or kick his feet behind his other leg.

Unarmed combat - Extra

You can violently bash the enemies head against hard ground, walls.
-And you can hit repeatedly if his head is then against hard ground, walls.


Also possible against corners.

Fighting while having the hands cuffed or tied to the front or back and while being on the ground

Fighting while having the hands cuffed or tied on the front or back and on the ground
Theorethical and experimental.

Kicking while on the ground.
-Kick hard and violently. And use your body.
-You can also kick the knees, kneecaps for example.

When the hands are tied on the front you can use these to grab their underlegs.

You can also scissor them to the ground by putting one underleg against the inside of the knee and the other
under leg low at the feet. You might need to use a lot of force and or roll slightly.

And defend offcourse.

Train getups while on the ground with the hands tied or cuffed on the back and on the front
-If the hands are tied on the front, it's easy to get up.
-If the hands are tied on the back it's hard to get up.

woensdag 24 juli 2019

Experimental, theorethical military knife fighting manual

Warning this is an experimental theorethical military knife fighting manual.
It should normally not be used and or only if really needed and if legal to use for defending oneself.

Normally it's best to do fast attacks. And not doing a long range of motion before a slash for example.
-There are all kinds of stabs and slashes.
-Stabs can easily be done hard and fast.
And basicly only do hard slashes (with a long range of motion before the slash)
and extra hard stabs if possible and do that at the right time.


-Is very important
And use the other hand wisely
-You can diverd the enemies knife. You can grab the hand with which the enemy is holding a knife. And you can grab the enemy
 to stab repeatedly.

Also important:
Agility and movement


Important: Basicly a stab is more lethal then a slash

Areas to stab:
One stab kill
-Stab into the skull, head at the right place, hitting the brain to the needed extend.
--Basicly forehead, top of the head and the top sides at the side of the head.

Very possible one shot kill or full incapicitation
-Stab at the right place in the neck

Very possible kill (though not instant) + atleast high incapicitation
-Stab through the heart, far enough
 The heart is more in the center of the chest angled to the right if you look at an enemy.
-Stab to the liver (at the left side if you look at an enemy (lookup exact position, hight))
-Through the ribs into the lungs, for a collapsed lung

-The back, spine
-The throat (also causes difficulty breathing)


Causing bloodloss can also be a way to win a knife fight
-Know where the arteries are
--Two very important arteries are: Common carotid artery and the internal jugular vein at the throat. It's said it's best to severe them with a stab.


Cause the enemy to not be able to hold his knife


A kick is possible but can be dangerous, I would not really advice it.
-Front kicks can be of use.


Training with another person or multiple people:
 Train with rubber knifes and eye protection.
 -Tip: Anti condensation, anti fog eye protection
Extra: Taking on two or more people in training with a rubber knife while they offcourse also use
       a rubber knife

Military combat training, hand to hand combat version 3

Military combat training, hand to hand combat. Version 3.
Theorethical and experimental
 Self made notes by me: J.K.

Warning: This is a military and mercenary training document.
Most of this manual is not meant for on the streets.
Extra warning: Some things should only be done when there is no other option, if you are captured
and you did something grewsome you might be screwed, so somethings are only meant for in life
and death situations.

Knocking out, destroying and or killing the enemy with the bare hands
fast and effectively is the idea.

Part 1: Knocking out, destroying and or even killing

 Hitting as hard and fast as possible. And fighting stance and defence are also important.
 There is normally no time to mess around.
 Punches: Straight, hook, uppercut
 Interesting areas to hit: Mandible, Temple, Throat. And also the liver and plexus.
  And hitting the nose hard enough can result in a broken nose
 Hitting the neck.
 But you can also just punch very hard and punch and punch and just knock him out.

Other attacks:
 There are multiple elbow strikes.
 Elbows to the head
 Knee to the head for example, very hard, but you can also do them to the body and to the upperlegs

And kicks are also possible
 Front kick is fast and easiest
 Round kick
 And you can attack the knees and chin bones with kicks. This can also be done with side kicks.

Kicks 2: When an enemy is grounded you can kick his head
         Front kicks, round kicks, side kicks anything goes.
         -With a front or side kick, kick with the heel.

Clinch position
 Knees and elbows are very effective in the clinch but punches can also work (mainly sharp, short hooks). You can also use different kinds of elbows in the clinch.
 Throwing an enemy in to the air and dropping him as hard as possible on his neck or head and further attacking him.
 And in the clinch position you could deliver very hard blows to your enemies neck (AKA rabbit punches).
  Do this as hard as possible
 And if needed you can headbutt in the clinch, use the forehead to hit the enemies nose area.

2: Basicly ground wrestling only works 1 on 1, if there are 2 or more enemies you can't really
    wrestle, they will kick and punch you in the head, it's just not realistic.
    Though when already on the ground with multiple enemies you can use wrestling attacks. And experience is important.
    And standing wrestling and clinch position training can be very usefull, when fighting clinches happen often.

1 Defending, if there are multiple enemies and you're on the ground.
 I haven't tested this but when multiple enemies attack you, hold your hands correctly, rolling might work,
 And you can use your hands and or legs to make them fall. And you can exploit their joints, attacking
 for example the inside of the knee with a kick or a grab.
2 Getting up fast.

When one on one you could do:
 Extra: You can also pick up an enemy and drop him down as hard as possible on his neck or on the head
Chokes, locks and bars
 For chokes; Arm around the enemies neck and grab the other arms inside of the elbow and
 pull tight and you can push his head forward. Cut off his blood supply to the head.
  You can do standing chokes and chokes on the ground
 For locks and bars, use leverage on joints, put them in a direction they can't go to, pulling
 backwards or applying torsion. You can break joints hard and fast.
Attacking on the ground:
 Palm strikes
 And hammer fists

One tip: You can break an enemys fingers. It's an ancient Greek olympic games technique.

And: Neck breaking (neck crank). Fast and effectively
      Can also be done after knocking the enemy out.

Update: Some styles.
Attack, attack hard and fast

Evade, untouchable and hard hits right time

Hit block hit block hit

Grab the enemy and punch, elbow and or knee him and or take him down and kick his head
-Elbows and knees are hard short range attacks and they work well.
Ground and pound. Takedown and then punches and or hammer fists.

Combining is possible

3 Other techniques
 Eye gouging
 -Finger jab to the eyes.
 -Spearing the eyes while on the ground or in a clinch.
 Ripping an ear off.
 Biting, as hard as possible (if really needed). Biting through flesh and bone. Maybe you could even break the radius or ulna with a hard enough bite force.
 Headbutt against the face, hit around the nose area
  Also works in the clinch
  There is a rule saying hard against soft for strikes works very effectively
 Knee to the neck
 -Kick enemy down by kicking into the inside of the knee (get behind him or while on his side must also be possible), while already holding his head and pulling his head and then the above
 Knee to the temple
 Hits to the kidneys
 Hits to the neck
 Hits to the spine
 Hit one ear or both ears with open hand(s)
 Stamping the head


For if an enemy or another enemy suddenly shows up from the side or from behind you:
-Backwards. Spearing and round.
-To around a 45 degree angle to the side. Spearing and round.
Hammer fists
-To around a 45 degree angle to the side.



Part 2 Training:
Important for training:
Realistic, Keep it realistic due to fighting training. And don't injure a fellow army member offcourse.

 Punching hard. and fast offcourse.
  And big swinging can be dangerous.
 You can train punches with boxing gloves or even better MMA gloves with another army member.
  MMA gloves are more realistic and give a more realistic idea.
 And you can train fast and hard punches on a punching bag with boxing or MMA gloves.
  And don't get injured. Boxing gloves can be better this time.

Tip: Watch boxing matches and trainings, watch heavy bag work.
        You can learn a lot from this.

You can train kickboxing.
And watch kickboxing and muay thai matches.

You can train wrestling.
You can watch wrestling matches, MMA submissions and escapes for when you get trapped.

You can train MMA.
MMA consists out of striking and wrestling
And takedown and ground and pound

Here's a tip: Watch MMA fights.
 You can learn a lot from this

Military training: And very importantly: Sparring against 2-3 or more opponents.


maandag 22 juli 2019

Anti disarming training

Anti disarming training for firearms and more.

Simplest for firearms: Just keep enough distance.

Fighting when the hands are tied or cuffed

Warning this is an experimental, theorethical military hand to hand combat manual.

When the hands are tied or cuffed at the front
-Hammer fists with two hands
-Knees (Also aim at the upperlegs)
-Shoulder bashes
-And some amount of grappling is possible even when the hands are tied together
-Biting through flesh and or bone (mainly last resort)

When the hands are tied or cuffed at back
-Knees (Also aim at the upperlegs)
-Shoulder bashes
-Some grappling techniques are possible, exploit insides of joints for example
-Biting through flesh and or bone (mainly last resort)

And defend with blocking and evading.

By GOTT, Jef Koelewijn

From South-Holland, The Netherlands