donderdag 8 augustus 2019

Knife fighting - grips


Normal/basic grip, forward knife grip
With two different grips on the knife:
-Normal knife grip and a normal grip on the knife
-Normal knife grip and a saber grip on the knife

Reverse grip
1 Edge outwards
2 Edge inwards

With more information and experimental parts:

Normal grip
-Knife upward and edge outwards
Normal grip part 2:
-Normal grip
 With the thumb over 1 or 2 fingers for example
 -Good and stable grip
 -In my experience better for stabbing
 -Less chance of being disarmed
-Saber grip
 Where the thumb is placed on the top of the handle or the spine of the blade
 -In my experience the blade will tilt less out of the hand while doing slashes
  but I haven't tried it with full force.

Reverse grip
-Edge outwards
-Edge inwards
Reverse grip part 2:
-Normal grip
 With the thumb over 1 or 2 fingers for example
-Thumb on the heel
 -In my experience this can be beneficial for stabbing
  but I haven't tried it full force yet.

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