woensdag 14 augustus 2019

Idea: Being able to shoot at a sound source blindfolded

Strange and interesting shooting skill I thought up.

Shooting blindfolded towards a sound and hitting the target in front of it.
-So something that makes a sound + target in front of it.
 -Or a more advanced setup.

Very important: Safety
-You should be able to shoot into any direction including upwards and far.
 (bullets can travel a long way when shot upwards and come down again).
 And you might shoot down or upwards too much because it's very hard to aim while blindfolded.
 Offcourse nobody should be near.
 And maybe more.

Important: Being able to align front and rear sight blindfolded..
           -Full draw and closed eyes front and rear sight alignment.
            -Simply open the eyes to see if the sights were alignt
            And offcourse being able to align front and rear sight while sticking the gun out.
            And being able to hold the front and rear sight alignment while turning.

From South-Holland, The Netherlands

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