woensdag 14 augustus 2019

Idea: Being able to memorise and shoot targets blindfolded

Being able to look at a target, memorise it and being able to shoot it blindfolded

Very important: Extra safety
-It should be possible to shoot in any direction, also upwards and far.
 -Bullets travel a long way and come down again, if shot upwards.
 No one should be around offcourse
 And maybe more.

1 Being able to do blindfolded sight alignments. Or just closing the eyes (easier).
  Doing stick outs and full draws and sight alignemnts. And afterwards looking
  if the sight alignment was right.
2 Pointing at something, memorising it, lowering the hand and being able
  to point at it directly without looking. And then looking if it was right.
2.5 Looking at the target, closing the eyes and then being able to point at it.
3 First pointing the gun at the target with sight alignment, lowering the gun
  closing the eyes, doing a full with sight alignemnt and shooting the target.
  and hearing if it was hit.
4 Looking at the target, closing the eyes doing a full with sight alignemnt and shooting the target.
  and hearing if it was hit.

Part 2, even harder:
First turning 90 degrees to 180 degrees and then hitting the target.
And then just circling with the eyes closed and then being able to hit the target.

From The Netherlands

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