vrijdag 25 september 2020

Escaping 2

When making a hole in the wall.

Using a poster in front of the hole.

Or something which has the same colour as the wall, which can be put in the taken out parts of the wall and is easily to take away when done taking away the full part of the wall.


Taking things with, stealing things which are usefull or needed for the escaping.


Before escaping.

Good plan for the escape. And what to do.

Getting ready.

-Physical training



(still needs testing)

Corner climb. Inside corner and climb up.


For a more sudden escape:

Stealing the keys or a pass.

Slight of hand.


Maybe distraction needed.


Watching, observing.

Finding out patterns.

Finding weaknesses and more.

-More time

-More doors open

-Places where no one is watching for some time

-Waiting for opportunities


Faking an illness.

-To maybe get at a better spot for escaping


If they are corrupt:


Sending letters.


Rather not but if corrupt and or torture of certain kinds.

Pepper, black or white pepper. Blinding powder.


Stealing electronic, usable equipment from them.



Things which are getable or buyable.

-Looking through the whole list

-And some things can be combined to be useful

Things which are already at hand.


For sudden escape

(still needs testing)

Taking with, something of iron or stainless steel, binding textile along the hand and arm and bashing through the window.

-Important: Standing right, and maybe protecting the eyes.


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