donderdag 29 oktober 2020

Making a molotov cocktail with a 3 litres to 5 litres glass bottle

Making a molotov cocktail with a 3 litres to 5 litres glass bottle.

With a cap on the bottle. Taped tight.

And two storm matches attached to the bottle, with protective material inbetween te storm matches and the bottle.

Warning: Highly dangerous.

-Most likely also a high radius of fire.

Putting on a fire protective suit.

Throwing it backwards with two hands. As far as possible. And running away, right after throwing (just to be sure).

Or throwing it from a hight, high enough onto the ground. 


Warning should be done on legal grounds to do so and a safe environment.

dinsdag 27 oktober 2020

vrijdag 23 oktober 2020

Destroying things and breaking in and or escaping part 2 (short version)

 Destroying things and breaking in and or escaping part 2


Breaking in (straight away, silent not needed).

Shooting through the right place of the door, with a shotgun.


Explosive at the right place of the door. The right explosive.


-Knowing which explosive

-Knowing where to get and or where to stand

-Timed or push button



Bending metals into a form for using it.


By Jef Koelewijn (JK)

Destroying things and breaking inside and or escaping

Destroying things and breaking inside and or escaping







Strength pull

Explosive pull

Bashing pull

-One pull


Bashing pulls

Bashing pulls, and in multiple directions


-Causing torsion

For rotating: Finding the right angles fast, for breaking


Learning a lot of metal bending methods and techniques.

-Bending metal over the upperleg

-With two hands, overhands and against the abdominals

-With two hands, underhand grip and under the chin

-Mixed grip, in front of the body

-And a lot more


Kick door in

-Forwards kick

-Backwards kick

Important: Also right place


One thick bar

-For rotating something until it breaks

-For putting in between things

Two thick bars

-For rotating something until it breaks

-For putting in between things

Bolt cutter

Pry bar

One plier

Two pliers




Torch cutter, cutting torch


-Voor hout




Hammer and chisel

Sledgehammer and chisel

-Maybe also a chisel holder


Glass normally, easily or quit easily breaks if hit by hard metal.


Metal bends easier if it is heated to glowing red.


It's possible to hit rope with a stone (moling) until there's quit a lot of deteroriation.

And then it's easier to break it.


Throwing something heavy on something from a hight


Hardness scale

-Can be very useful


Throwing something to break it.

Speed and explosive power


More momentum


Putting water inside a container and freezing it. Making it harder. For throwing it. 


Putting something heavy and hard inside textile for hitting material with it.


Range of motion. Stick and something hard on the end.

Length should be just right.



Light flexible. And hard on the end.


Battering ram

Using something as a battering ram.


Using something soft to dampen the impact on the fist for example.

Winding something around the fist is also possible
-Needs to be done the right way
-Als wind the first finger joints if needed
-More padding in the front is better
 And it can be combined with something
Important: Making a fist should still be easy. And the fist should be solid
                  and no ousticking first finger joints basicly
Always hitting with the most amount of knuckles possible
Never only the middle finger knuckle, when hitting a hard door or a wall for example


If needed, protect the eyes. 
It's also possible to hold the hands in front of the eyes while also holding the eyes closed
-Remember where to hit

Wind something around the hands and wrists for example

Wear enough clothing


For pulling something apart. Putting one end at the upperleg with the hand.

Stand on it and then pull the cable (device off), or rope or chain





Enough small damage and then big damage


To the wrong side sort to speak, so it breaks


Widging by putting in between

Widging with 2 solid bars


Putting it in an angle against a wall and then kicking it through


Breaking wood with the upperleg


Downward throws
-With hard metal
-With stones


Hit with end, metal pipe, less blunt

Will go into things faster


By /JK, Jef Koelewijn

maandag 19 oktober 2020

Movement training with obstacles

Over logs

Under through logs


Over wooden walls

Over brick walls


Jumping to a log


Rope climbing, vertical

-With using the feet to lock the rope

-Without also using the feet to lock the rope


2 ropes, horizontal, and going from one side to the other


Rope net climb

Jumping to a rope net


Climbing from one side to the other side by a horizontal rope

Climbing from one side to the other side by a horizontal log

Metal bar climb from one side to the other, horizontal


Climbing to the top of a vertical metal bar around 40-50 mm thick

Climbing to the top of a vertical quit thick metal pole


Climbing onto a wall with a rope. And then down on the other side


Multiple horizontal bars at the same hight with horizontal spacings. And then going from one side to the other side. Without touching the ground.


Multiple horizontal logs with vertical spacing. And then climbing to the highest one.


Climbing over a steep wooden wall

-Steep towards self

Over a wooden wall, which is steep to the other side


Climbing over a fence

Self making and improvising fireproof, bomb resistant and bullet resistant suits

Self making, the following through self buyed materials.

A fireproof suit

A bomb suit

A bullet resistant suit

And tests. (at the right place, and while not having the suit on)


Self making the following, through what's at hand fast.

Improvised fireproof suit

Improvised bomb suit

Improvised bullet resistant suit

And tests. (at the right place, and while not having the suit on)


By Jef Koelewijn

zaterdag 17 oktober 2020

For a more complete night camouflage

Black camouflage paint over the face


Contact lenses with black, which will go over the eye white.

Non reflective.

-Good non reflective.


Good black camouflage paint for the teeth.

-High quality.

 No strange taste.

 Should not cause a problem.

 Should not cause irritation of the mouth and or throat and or lungs.


Black camouflage paint over the hands. Which will not cause stains on materials and all.

-Might cause a problem. Slipping, maybe.


Everything should be non reflective, if it might reflect light.

-Scopes also.


Important: Tests first.

By Jef Koelewijn

Some extra camouflage research

Camouflage clothing colour when dry and when weth, non dry, with water.

-Two of the exact same camouflage clothing and then making one weth and then comparing the dry one and the non dry one with each other.

And maybe finding out how to prevent colour change if present. And if needed. For perfection.

vrijdag 16 oktober 2020

Improvised napalm molotov cocktail, firebomb

Improvised napalm molotov cocktail, firebomb.

Burnable liquid with the right thickening or gell agent. And the combination should not be hazardous (toxic gass, producing for example), should not be dangerous by itself.


-With a metal screw cap

-And 1 storm match or 1 storm match at each side. And with a protective piece between the glass and the storm match (will protect the storm match, and the glass bottle).

More camouflaged light

Maybe: When in a green environment at night, green light might most likely be more camouflaged.

For if light is needed.

And maybe the light can be made so it looks more like the environment.

donderdag 15 oktober 2020

Camouflage and concealment (short, and basic)

 Camouflage and concealment.


Don't look different then the suroundings and the environment

Also if needed make sure the equipment does not look different then the suroundings and the environment

Keep in the shadows of bigger objects like buildings

Don't stand against the skyline


Moving carefully



-Leaning out of windows

 (when not needed)

-Isolated cover



Camouflage paint, for the face.

For camouflage paint, on the face. Sometimes they say too much is bad and too little is bad. Sometimes just right is better they say.


When with more people, walking more spaced. 

Also maybe more spaced due to sideways distances.

Also less visable from above, mainly, I think.


Bushes on head.

Still and silent if needed, from above it will be hard to be detected.

And works when between bushes.


Military notes part 2











Equipment weight, only a certain amount of time and distance.

Knowing what to take with. For maximum walking speed. But enough equipment.


In the shadows, for against air observations. When nothing else nearby.

Best next to something.


Taking grass away and putting it back like it was after being done.


Enemy weapon knowledge. And also training with them.

The knowledge can also be useful.

Military notes part 1


Movement training.

Walking, fast walking, running, sprinting.

Military crawling

-All directions

-Multiple hights

-Head low

Crawling while on the back



Bear crawling

Stomach to the ground and hands at or around the ankles (research needed for the right wording)

Hands and feet on the ground, while back is to the ground


And more


Getting everything on and ready in the fastest times

Sudden wake up and getting clothes and more on as soon as possible.


Doing everything while carrying full equipment.

Also the firearm.


Stress tests, physical tiredness and problem solving.

Problem solving, while physical.


Map reading.


Compass use.






Seeing everything or everything important or as much as possible in one time


Measuring distance


Packing the backpack. Full equipment.

-There are certain packing ways, techniques and methods.


Improving eyesight

-Important: Not tiring the eyes or atleast not too much

Improving night eyes.

Improving hearing

-Hearing amount

-And being able to know the direction of the sound


Two sided camouflage clothing, extra

Two sided camouflage clothing. Extra.

Changing the clothing to reverse right away, if possible.


The right spot, out of vission possibly with enough trees and or bushes and or darker, maybe in the shade, for putting the clothing on in reverse.

And it might also be better do it lower, kneeled for example or completely on the ground.

-Jacket, kneeled.

-Pants maybe completely on the ground

maandag 5 oktober 2020

Movement training 5

Walking, fast walking, running and sprinting uphill.

Walking, fast walking, running and sprinting downhill.


Running while the terrain constantly changes.

-Uphill, downhill. Sandpits. Obstacles. And more.



-Up and down.


Urban parcourses. In buildings. From building to building, going through the building completely.

Big sand bags for a base and fortifications

Big sand bags (around 1.5 - 2 metres high I think per bag), giant sand bags. Of a good material.

And building a base or atleast the fortifications, through the filling of the bags. 

The bags will take up low amounts of space and they are light.

And then filling them on the spot with sand.

It's also possible to stack the bags.

I had seen this recently.

Update: Mainly they also put metal around it. Metal construction mesh, mainly.