donderdag 22 augustus 2019

Thinking out military shield shovel uses, tactics and more

Thinking out military shield shovel uses, tactics and more.

A couple of ideas:
It can be used to protect the side or front of the head.
It might be useful for peeking around corners or over cover walls, protecting parts of the head.
It could protect the back of the head if it can be strongly, fitted onto the backpack.
-Very useful for retreating etc.

A lighter and more bulletproof military shield shovel which is also made to be used as a (small) shield

I just found old military shovels which were also made to be used as a shield.

And my idea is to make a newer version which is lighter and also more bulletproof.

By JK (Jef Koelewijn)
From: South-Holland, The Netherlands
Written on: 22-08-2019

The military shovel (entrenching tool) can also be thrown

The military shovel is also very good for throwing and possibly doing high damage.

Warning: Don't hit your head with the edge(s) of the shovel.

zondag 18 augustus 2019

Unarmed combat - Blindfolded wrestling

Wrestling blindfolded

For military clothing and other clothing

Army roll method for clothing.
-Ranger roll method

Around: Basicly making the clothing so it can be rolled and then a small fold at the start and then rolling the clothing and putting the fold over it or partly over it.
-It's easy to search it up.

It saves a lot of space and it's more organised.

vrijdag 16 augustus 2019

Research: Can a military shovel stop a bullet

Shooting on multipld different military shovels and seeing if they can stop bullets and if so also which bullets, calibers etc.

If military shovels can stop bullets they might also be useful for certain tactics and defence if needed.

donderdag 15 augustus 2019

Unarmed combat - Hand to hand combat basics list 2



Slamming enemy into the ground.

Ground wrestling positions.

Holds, locks, chokes and bars.


Part 2:
Choke Holds on the neck
-Chokes are applied to the neck to cut off blood flow to the brain

Joint Locks on joints
-Joint locks hyperextend or hyper rotate one of the body’s joints

Compression Locks,  muscle locks, muscle slicers or muscle crushers
-Puts high to extreme compression pressure on a muscle, which can
 damage the muscle and causes a lot of pain


Standing holds, locks, chokes and bars
And ground holds, locks, chokes and bars.

woensdag 14 augustus 2019

Idea: Being able to memorise and shoot targets blindfolded

Being able to look at a target, memorise it and being able to shoot it blindfolded

Very important: Extra safety
-It should be possible to shoot in any direction, also upwards and far.
 -Bullets travel a long way and come down again, if shot upwards.
 No one should be around offcourse
 And maybe more.

1 Being able to do blindfolded sight alignments. Or just closing the eyes (easier).
  Doing stick outs and full draws and sight alignemnts. And afterwards looking
  if the sight alignment was right.
2 Pointing at something, memorising it, lowering the hand and being able
  to point at it directly without looking. And then looking if it was right.
2.5 Looking at the target, closing the eyes and then being able to point at it.
3 First pointing the gun at the target with sight alignment, lowering the gun
  closing the eyes, doing a full with sight alignemnt and shooting the target.
  and hearing if it was hit.
4 Looking at the target, closing the eyes doing a full with sight alignemnt and shooting the target.
  and hearing if it was hit.

Part 2, even harder:
First turning 90 degrees to 180 degrees and then hitting the target.
And then just circling with the eyes closed and then being able to hit the target.

From The Netherlands

Idea: Being able to shoot at a sound source blindfolded

Strange and interesting shooting skill I thought up.

Shooting blindfolded towards a sound and hitting the target in front of it.
-So something that makes a sound + target in front of it.
 -Or a more advanced setup.

Very important: Safety
-You should be able to shoot into any direction including upwards and far.
 (bullets can travel a long way when shot upwards and come down again).
 And you might shoot down or upwards too much because it's very hard to aim while blindfolded.
 Offcourse nobody should be near.
 And maybe more.

Important: Being able to align front and rear sight blindfolded..
           -Full draw and closed eyes front and rear sight alignment.
            -Simply open the eyes to see if the sights were alignt
            And offcourse being able to align front and rear sight while sticking the gun out.
            And being able to hold the front and rear sight alignment while turning.

From South-Holland, The Netherlands

zaterdag 10 augustus 2019

Shooting theory - Sight alignment difficulty and a drill

Doing sight alignment while going to aim at a white background while having
black front and rear sights is easy.
But sight alignment while going to aim at a black or just a dark coloured background
while having black front and rear sights, is a lot harder.

It's best to train this.


And even better is being able to basicly always do a sight alignment even when being blindfolded.
-So draw and sight alignment even when blindfolded.

Training pull and sight alignment to the point you could do it blindfolded is a good idea.
-Only forwards from around chest and sight alignment
-Full draw and forwards and sight alignment

Training this with the needed or even all firearms.


donderdag 8 augustus 2019

Knife fighting - grips


Normal/basic grip, forward knife grip
With two different grips on the knife:
-Normal knife grip and a normal grip on the knife
-Normal knife grip and a saber grip on the knife

Reverse grip
1 Edge outwards
2 Edge inwards

With more information and experimental parts:

Normal grip
-Knife upward and edge outwards
Normal grip part 2:
-Normal grip
 With the thumb over 1 or 2 fingers for example
 -Good and stable grip
 -In my experience better for stabbing
 -Less chance of being disarmed
-Saber grip
 Where the thumb is placed on the top of the handle or the spine of the blade
 -In my experience the blade will tilt less out of the hand while doing slashes
  but I haven't tried it with full force.

Reverse grip
-Edge outwards
-Edge inwards
Reverse grip part 2:
-Normal grip
 With the thumb over 1 or 2 fingers for example
-Thumb on the heel
 -In my experience this can be beneficial for stabbing
  but I haven't tried it full force yet.

dinsdag 6 augustus 2019

Knife fighting - Stances

Knife fighting stances:

While having the knife in the right hand:
1 Left leg forward, right leg backwards, left hand at right shoulder and knife in the right hand.
  -Also very good for beginners
2 Left leg forward, right leg backwards, left hand with some horizontal distance
  just behind the right hand which wields the knife.
3 Left leg forward, right leg backwards, left arm nearly extended forwards and the knife
  in the right hand, quiet far back.
4 Right leg forward, left leg backwards, left hand more back and the knife in the right hand.
  -Fencing styled

While having the knife in the left hand:
1 Right leg forward, left leg backwards, right hand at left shoulder and knife in the left hand.
  -Also very good for beginners
2 Right leg forward, left leg backwards, right hand with some horizontal distance
  just behind the left hand which wields the knife.
3 Right leg forward, left leg backwards, right arm nearly extended forwards and the knife
  in the left hand, quiet far back.
4 Left leg forward, right leg backwards, right hand more back and the knife in the left hand.
  -Fencing styled

And there are probably more stances.

donderdag 1 augustus 2019

Unarmed combat - Hand to hand combat basics list 1

-Fighting stances and guards


-Straight punches
-Hook punches

-Front kicks
-Round kicks
-Side kicks

-Normal knees
-Diagonal knees

-Normal round
-Spearing sideways
-Reverse round
-Reverse upwards

Other attacks:
-Hammer fists for ground and pound
-Sideways hammer fists for sudden attackers from the back or from the side
And also possible:


-Weaving (to the left and to the right)
-Down under (to the left and to the right)
-Straight down ducking

Blocking and diverding:
-Hook blocks
-Blocking with both hands and underarms
-Helmet guard
-X block


Also very important: