maandag 28 september 2020

Two sided camoflage clothing

 Two sided camouflage clothing.

For example. On one side only full white. And on the other side white and black, and maybe grey in patterns.

-Full white when there is only snow.

-And white and black in patterns for when entering long areas of vegitation and trees for example, maybe.

Tests first.

By Jef Koelewijn

zaterdag 26 september 2020

Movement training 4

 To a kneeled position with one knee on the ground and 1 knee up

-Right knee up, left knee on the ground

-Left knee up, right knee on the ground

To a stomach flat on the ground position

To on the side of the body on the ground

To a back on the ground position

And changing from one position to the other

And also with changing direction

-For example from a kneeled position on the ground with one knee up and one knee on the ground

 To making a 90 degree change and to a position with the stomach flat on the ground.

Movement training 3





Urban like parcourses.

Forest like parcourses.

Movement training version 2

Walking. Fast walking.




Also: walking, fast walking, running and sprinting.



-And also constantly changing together with forwards. A parcourse


Military crawling. Head low.

-Hights and speeds

-And also all directions and rotational

Bear crawling.

-Normal forwards 

-And also directions and rotational




-And also sideways


 And maybe into an angle (I still need to test that)

Rolling while flat on the ground.


Facing to the ground hands kept at the back, maybe grabbed at somewhere and moving.

Back to the ground, hands kept at the front, together and moving.

Back to the ground on hands and feet and moving.


Running past by obstacles.

Jumping over obstacles.

Clearing gaps.


Getting low or completely on the ground as fast as possible.





Fast and explosive sudden movements.



-All kinds of jumps




-And also:


 And backwards



-Heel plant first

-Balls of the feet plant first

Fast sneaking.


Climbing. (safety important)

-Over walls

-Onto buildings

-Into trees


vrijdag 25 september 2020

Escaping 2

When making a hole in the wall.

Using a poster in front of the hole.

Or something which has the same colour as the wall, which can be put in the taken out parts of the wall and is easily to take away when done taking away the full part of the wall.


Taking things with, stealing things which are usefull or needed for the escaping.


Before escaping.

Good plan for the escape. And what to do.

Getting ready.

-Physical training



(still needs testing)

Corner climb. Inside corner and climb up.


For a more sudden escape:

Stealing the keys or a pass.

Slight of hand.


Maybe distraction needed.


Watching, observing.

Finding out patterns.

Finding weaknesses and more.

-More time

-More doors open

-Places where no one is watching for some time

-Waiting for opportunities


Faking an illness.

-To maybe get at a better spot for escaping


If they are corrupt:


Sending letters.


Rather not but if corrupt and or torture of certain kinds.

Pepper, black or white pepper. Blinding powder.


Stealing electronic, usable equipment from them.



Things which are getable or buyable.

-Looking through the whole list

-And some things can be combined to be useful

Things which are already at hand.


For sudden escape

(still needs testing)

Taking with, something of iron or stainless steel, binding textile along the hand and arm and bashing through the window.

-Important: Standing right, and maybe protecting the eyes.


An improvised way to cut, saw through rope

 Using a key (with groves) to cut, saw through rope. 

-Warning: There's a very small chance to damage the key. Better: Use the key with the least value, and which is effective.

Tested, worked.


Digging underby.

Sawing through.

Scraping through a wall or something else.


Important for the above:

Making the least amound of noise.

Making sound when no one will hear it.

Masking sound with normal sound.

Making sound when there is constant louder sound.


If more reach is needed. Making something longer, binding things together. And maybe making a hook.

Using a rope with something just heavy enough.


Hooks for climbing over a high fence.

Textile for putting over barbed wire.


Rope and a hook, for climbing

-Maybe rope put together to form thicker rope

Throwing hook, for climbing


Textile put together to form a rope.

-Dangerous if done incorrectly

Knowing how to silently remove a window


Putting things on each other to get higher.


Taking over.

Maybe it's needed to find more people who want to escape, and should escape.

And then make plans.


By Jef Koelewijn

vrijdag 18 september 2020

Freeing oneself and escaping 2

Textile to dampen the bashing sound for example

Hiding something beforehand

-Something sharp

-Something to lockpick

-Or something for leverage


Using a piece of textile to protect the hands or wrists


By Jef Koelewijn

Freeing oneself and escaping



-Brute force (possible with some)



Undoing knots with the hands.

Undoing knots with the teeth.

Seeing if possible: Going through the rope with the teeth (cut (front teeth), stab and cut (canine teeth), moling (molar teeth).

Seeing if usefull (experimental, for research): Water or other fluid

Finding something sharp

Creating something sharp


Tai rips

-Brute force, brute power

-With a shoe lace and sawing through

-With the teeth

Finding something sharp

Creating something sharp


Might be needed to stand up.

-Training that

--Hands on the front and hands on the back



Find weakness, and exploit 


More 1:





Bigger or wider when done on.

-Then body or body part to normal again

Bashing against something

Something through and rotating that


The thumb nail

-For rope and or tai rips


Destroying training

-Brute strength


-Extra: Both

Gain knowledge


By Jeffried Koelewijn

For sneaking and camouflaging

1 or more sneak one or more detect(s).


1 or more camouflages 1 or more detect(s) while that person or they are closing in.

donderdag 17 september 2020

Movement training 3

Sudden movements, 1 to 3 steps in all kinds of angles.

Sudden movements and changing the angle after 1 to 3 steps each time.


Jumping over.

Ducking under by.


Sudden movements of the body, without walking or taking a step.


Walking. Fast walking. Running. And sprinting. While keeping a low poisture.


Going past hard to pass by obstacles.

Holding physical positions

Holding multiple different basic body positions.

Holding uncomfortable body positions.



Holding body positions where balance is important.

By Jeffried Koelewijn

Movement training 2

45 degree movements. Suddenly. 1-3 steps. Fast, explosively.


Standing up.

-Multiple ways


Break falling.


Walking on the balls of the feet.

Speed walking on the balls of the feet.

Running on the balls of the feet.

Sprinting on the balls of the feet.

Squated walking.



-Vertical jumps, for hight

-Forward jumps

-Sideway jumps

-Backward jumps


Movement and while balance is needed. 


All movements through each other.


1 hand at the wrist. 

-Running forwards

-Running backwards

-Sprinting forwards

-Sprinting backwards

-A parcourse

1 hand at the wrist, at the back.

-Running forwards

-Running backwards

-Sprinting forwards

-Sprinting backwards

-A parcourse


Movement training

Walking. Fast walking.






-And also constantly changing. A parcourse


Everything on all kinds of terrains

-Sand. Soft and hard


-Gravel like terrains

-Hard ground and stone

Extra: Snow


Crawling. Head low.

-Hights and speeds

-All directions and rotational

Bear crawling.

-All directions and rotational






Rolling while flat on the ground.


Facing to the ground hands kept at the back, maybe grabbed at somewhere and moving.

Back to the ground, hands kept at the front, together and moving.

Back to the ground on hands and feet and moving.


Running past by obstacles.

Jumping over obstacles.

Clearing gaps.


Getting low or completely on the ground as fast as possible.





Fast and explosive sudden movements.



-All kinds of jumps







Fast sneaking



-Over walls

-Onto buildings

-Into trees


By Jeffried Koelewijn

dinsdag 8 september 2020

For two handed bats, maces, batons and sticks which are used as weapons

Knowledge for two handed bats, maces, batons and sticks which are used as weapons. And also for improvised weapons, like longer crowbars/prybars.

A close grip (hands close together), around the base of the weapon: Is for hard attacks. 

A wide grip: Is more for faster attacks and also for if there is space shortage. 


Grip changing is possible. 

-From close grip to wide grip. And from wide grip to close grip.

-And from left hand above to right hand above. And from right hand above to left hand above.


And sometimes it's possible to hit with the base of the weapon, for critical close by ranges.


By Jeffried Koelewijn