donderdag 31 december 2020

Contact lenses for more stealth when it comes to infrared light

 Contact lenses which will prevent reflection and glare of infrared light at the eyes.

-And not damaging for the eyes, also not when infrared light shines on the contact lenses.

More camouflaged and stealthed.

-People can easily be seen with infrared light in the dark because one or two eyes will glare up.

woensdag 23 december 2020

Important problems to know for sneaking

Important problems to know for sneaking:

Joint or tendon noises, which sometimes are hearable.

-Knacking for example


Noises from the floor, a wooden floor for example inside, or from breaking twigs outside.

Noises from hitting things, like desks inside, or bushes and branches, outside.


Finding a camouflaged person

Finding a camouflaged person.

Camouflage patterns.

Looking for wrinckles, of textile cloth.

Looking for any unnatural and or different movements.

Any to big movement.

The natural or unnatural material does not belong there.


Textile movements due to wind also.

Breathing patterns.


Remembering certain standart shape of a camouflaged, enemy sniper.


Outsticking barrel.


Scope, lens reflection.


Places oneself would choose.


Bare eyes:

Focussed view.

Wide view.


Binoculair methods.

Scope, monoscope methods.


Seeing multiple camouflaged snipers in one go and shooting them all.

By Jef Koelewijn

donderdag 10 december 2020

My experience with two rear sights on a changeable rear sight

 For a changeable rear sight. which can be changed almost instantly. 


Rear sight which is rectangle with a small rectangle groove, and round and | on the front.

-I use this one with normal light.

-Better accuracy maybe.

Round rear sight, quit big. And a round front sight, with a |

-I use this one with lower amounts of light.

-Easier to aim and faster. More to see, and more light comes trough.

Assault rifle or another rifle as an improvised weapon part 2, extra

 From a right hand at the grip and from a left hand at the grip.

Left leg in front.

From a right hand at the grip.

And with a right leg in the front.

From a left hand at the grip.

Switching is possible though.


Right hand below and left hand above.

And the left leg in the front and the right leg backwards.

Left hand below and right hand above.

And the right leg in front, and the left leg backwards.



Jumping attacks.

Sprint and attack.


Blunt. Bludgeon.


By Jef Koelewijn

maandag 7 december 2020

Assault rifle or other rifle as an improvised weapon

Assault rifle or other rifle as an improvised weapon.

Two hands.

Some are experimental to try.

Forwards thrusts

Rear stock attacks, forwards

Side and corner of the barrel attacks, forwards

Rear stock bashes or battering rams, if possible, forwards or forwards from a sideways posture.

Two hands forwards at the same time, rifle or assault rifle held level or angled, two hands both thrust

forwards, hands are basicly kept synchronical

Grabbing the rear stock or the barrel and sideways or downward swings with the assault rifle.

Downward thrusts. Grabbed at the barrel. Or grabbed at the rear stock and one hand on the end of the rear stock.

vrijdag 4 december 2020

Military notes

Handgun in one hand. Flashlight in the other hand. And target shooting.


Small sight on top of the assualt rifles or assualt rifles scope.


Swimming above water and underwater



-Speed of putting on

And a room filled with something which will annoy the eyes and or lungs, but no damage offcourse.

-Gasmask training


Building scaling

-Normal, without equipment

-Breaking windows

-Ropes, from above








Silent military crawling


Putting or throwing heavy things over the fence or wall if needed.

And then climbing over it.


Fast underby low wires.
-Low and more sideways body poisture


Rope climbing.

S hook method.
-Leg wrap

J hook method.
-Foot lock


For training:
Rain simulating hoses.

Loud noises (but not damaging)


Small boat and paddles
Multiple people
And also alone


Extra: Paddling with the hands.


Extra: Making an improvised small boat paddle.


Problem solving underwater.
-While holding the breath
 Maybe multiple dives needed
-Or whith oxygen


Doing ropes and knots underwater.
While holding the breath also.


Fast putting rope around a carabiner

Doing the rope around the hands and or fingers. And then opening the carabiner and putting the rope through it.


Ropes and carabiners. And knowing all kinds of ropings. And methods of doing so.

Tree climbing

 Grasping a strong enough branch.

Jumping to gripping a strong enough branch.

And climbing up into the tree, to a good spot.


Climbing claws, hands.

And if needed climbing boot accessoire.

And if needed a rope. For climbing. 


Rope around the tree trunk, method.

And climbing claws or boot accessoire.


Rope over branches with a (small) weight, throwing it over branches.

-The (small) weight will make it easier to throw further upwards.

 And the rope will come down better

Or with a hook for hooking it.

-Can be dangerous.

More for firearm and bulletproof, self research

Firearm prices

Ammunition prices


Firearm accessoires prices


Bulletproof vest and bulletproof plate prices


donderdag 3 december 2020

High altitude training

High altitude training.


Less oxygen in the air.

Harder to breath.

And more.

For escaping and fighting back

For escaping and fighting back, when less movement possible, because of being captured. When needed.


When the enemy looks away

When the enemy is distracted

When the enemy is close enough

Attacking at the right time.

And doing the right attacks.

Extra: When the other possible enemies are far away enough. When the least amount of enemies are in the room.


Other, getting away:

When the enemy is away, long enough

When the enemy can't hear it

By Jef Koelewijn

Other surviving

Surviving - Other

Warning: Highly dangerous. Can be fatal.

Surviving a hanging

-Making the neck strong enough.

-There was an old time strongman and wrestler who could surive a hanging from a certain hight.

Surviving electricity or electric shocks which would normally be fatal

-Slowly getting immume to amounts of electricity

Surviving a poisening, if poisen is known

-Every time a mili or micro amount more. Warning highly dangerous, can be deathly.

-And if possible


Research how to survive a fall from a hight.

-A very small amount of people have survived a fall from a hight off around 25-50 metres if I'm correcct.

By Jef Koel

dinsdag 1 december 2020

Improvised bayonet mounting

 Improvised bayonet mounting.

Improvised knife, or spike mounting on an assault rifle.


If possible.

Using thin rope, iron wire or textile tape.

dinsdag 24 november 2020

Learning to camouflage and to find camouflage

Making or searching camouflage photos.

Making when learning it to others.

Searching for self learning.

Watching camouflage photos of people who are hiding through camouflaged clothing and or methods.

And learning how to camouflage oneself.
-Seeing the environment and how that person camouflaged himself.

And learning how to find a camouflaged person or enemy.
-Going along the photos and spotting as fast as possible. Close by to far away photos. Maybe zooming in when looking at far away photos.

Extra for sneaking

 For sneaking.

The clothing can also make sound. 

-The jacket and the pants and all

It's important to know this. And important to know how to prevent the sounds of the clothing, while sneaking. 

Firearm knowledge - Overheating and more

Firearm overheating.

Firearm meltdown.


A firearm can overheat when repeatedly firing a lot of bullets, rounds.


Tests concerning firearm overheatings are mainly done with high safety.

And tests concerning firearm meltdowns are mainly done with high safety.

-The barrel can even become glowing red and with critical, to failure tests parts can break and fly off, of the front of the firearm.

Learning about firearms 2 Diagrams and parts

 Searching firearm diagrams and firearm parts.

Handgun diagrams

Submachine gun diagrams

Assault rifle diagrams

Sniper diagrams

Anti material rifle diagrams

And shotgun diagrams

And more.

Learning about firearms - Firearm photos

Learning about firearms - Firearm photos

Watching photo's of firearms. And also zooming in.

Also watching the different places where the magazine releases are and the safety, semi automatic and or automatic firing slides if present. And or the slide release for example.

And more.

And also watching accessoires.

zaterdag 21 november 2020

Camouflage, ghillie suit


Ghillie suit

A ghillie suit is a camouflage suit. Mainly with loose strips of burlap and synthetic like things which are present in the natural environment.

And mainly it's possible to self add natural things from the environment itself.


Forest ghillie suit.

-Ghillie suit, mainly with loose strips of burlap and synthetic like grass and or synthethic leaves and twigs or pine needles. And for example self added grass, twigs or parts of trees and bushes for example.

Desert, khaki gillie suit.


-And dried grass like

Snow ghillie suit.


-Or white and some black

 For if there are also pine forests and a lot of snow area vegitation for example


Mainly for snipers.


Camouflage clothing.

Sledgehammer grips, strikes and ideas


For breaking in. Demolition. And work.

Or at the spot, right away as a weapon, if needed.


Normal grip:

-One hand near the base and one next to it or quit close by.


Angled downwards


Angled sideways

Angled upwards


One hand gripped around the base and one hand gripped near the head of the hammer and angled downwards

One hand gripped around the base and one hand gripped near the head of the hammer and sideways forwards

One hand gripped around the base and one hand gripped near the head of the hammer and angled upwards


Battering ram


More range of motion.

Certain movements.


Rotating the hammer each time

-Hit and rotate to neutral position again and hit again

 Fluid motions, and range of motion and some more speed and power right away


Full rotations with the hammer around the body and strike.


Hammer throw. 

-Rotations with the hammer and throw

Hammer throw.

-With making full rotations with the body and throw

Or forwards overhead throw (I still need to test this one).

Explanation: Can be used when to dangerous to stand close by. Then throwing the sledgehammer from a distance.


Grip change.

-Other hand in the front

And stance change.

-Other leg forward for example

Can also be used to go on longer, if needed.


Close gripped, hands close to one another, around the base

-Harder strikes

Wide gripped

-Faster, but less hard strikes


Battering ram. 





Wide gripped


Extra: Two hands gripped at the sledgehammer head and battering rams

maandag 16 november 2020

zaterdag 14 november 2020

Getting knowledge about all kind of firearms and being able to use and understand any firearm

Getting knowledge about all kind of firearms and being able to use and understand any firearm.

Being able to use and understand any firearm, fast. Also when no experience with that model.


10 different handguns on a table

10 different submachine guns on a table

10 different assualt rifles on a table

5 different sniper rifles

5 different machine guns

5 different anti material rifles


And 5 shotguns on a table

Undoing safety, cocking, magazine release, reloading and more

Maybe retractable rear stocks or foldable rear stocks

Getting used to different kinds of sights

Getting used to different kinds of recoil




Field stripping them al

dinsdag 10 november 2020

Military and mercenary notes

Reach (still effective against a tanks armour or a human) of a tank and the reach of an anti material rifle.

Furthest reach of a tank

Furtesth reach of an anti material rifle

And the average reach

Straight on (not point blank range, offcourse (most likely)) with an anti material rifle | <---   is best, they say

-Less armour needed to bypass. You can see this by holding a ruler by a piece of a couple of centimeters thick metal.

 Holding the ruler, straight on and also making different angles while the metal is held straight, seeing how much more milimeters to centimeters would 

 be needed to bypass then.

-Most power goes into the armour like that.

-Less or no chance of richochet. Less or no chance that it shoots off the armour.

Measuring distance

Sharpnail kills, they say.


Why sitting and backwards out of rubber boat.


-Less sound, less movement

-Less plunge

-Less visable, due to hight

-Easier and faster

-All standing up is problematic due to the space available maybe


Trapping a tank and taking it over or disabling it.

Tank stopping with less professional equipment and or weapons.


Jumping out of a low helicopter, into the sea.


Out of helicopter and into helicopter through a rope.


From the water into a helicopter


Equipment for climbing onto boats


Improvised equipment for climbing onto boats


Getting onto a submarine and into a submarine.


Submarine clearing training

-Very different, maybe. Less space, and more annoying.


Natural made barriers, on roads and more.

If a road is in between quit big trees, it's possible to cut down trees which will fall towards the road,

trees which already have more of an angle towards the road are most adviced.

-And making sure the tree will not fall on oneself or someone else

Branches, piles of branches.

Can also be used for ambushes.

-The right barriers are needed.

And for better retreats.

-The right barriers are needed.


Sawing down trees


Making obstructions

-Barbed wire

And obstructions:

-Against light armoured vehicles

-Against heavy armoured vehicles

Small sabotage 

-Carltrops (for puncturing wheels)

-Road spikes


Making simple bridges

And simple short roads if needed


Obstacle breaching.


Clearing obstructions from the enemy


(still needs to be tested)

String, on the road from one side to the other side.

And pulling up on the right time. 

-Has to be certain they are enemies

In the dark.

-Possibly with night vission on

As a defense, they put metal bars on the jeeps, on the front, to stop or break the wires.


Lights of at the base or an area with people.

Lights put on in a desolate place.

To cause a bombing being done at the lighted place, where there's no one.


Camouflage painting buildings.

Also bigger buildings.

-For from above 

-For from the front, back and sides


Certain patterns on big boats.

Which will make it harder to read the speed of the boats and more, like the amount of boats and the widths of the boats.


Mortar assembly

Mortar use

-Adjusting and aiming

-Propelling. But without explosion.


Fuel tank (filled with water for training) carrying


Military crawling and dragging or pushing a fuel tank (filled with water, for training).

-Over grass (maybe also)

-Through water and mud


Board, search and seizure.


Metal cutting on boats. To get in.


donderdag 5 november 2020

Improvised firearm or small canon and improvised armour piercing ammunition manual

 Improvised firearm or small canon and improvised armour piercing ammunition manual.

Example (short version):

1 Barrel, strong enough

  Welding something on one side, for closing one end off

  Drilling one hole on one closed end, at the side of the barrel

2 Tungsten carbide (drillbit for example)

3 Sabot (for the ammunition)

4 Propellant powder

5 Fuse

Example 2:

An improvised firearm.

Fully making cartridges. And tungsten carbide bullets.

And something which will strike the primer pocket of the cartridge.

Important: Very dangerous.

maandag 2 november 2020

Which parts of a car are most strong, ballistic resistant to take cover behind

Which parts of a car are most strong, ballistic resistant to take cover behind. When shots are being fired and for firing shots back.

Car forwards

Car sideways

Car diagonal

And very sometimes it might be different which parts are most strong.

By Jef, Geof Koel

Fast stabalising an air suspended compass needle

Fast stabalising an air suspended compass needle.

First seeing what around the North side is.

Inbetween the two furthest sways, mainly.

Then putting the compass in an angle with the north side, the red side of the compass needle pointing upwards. And depending on the compass, keeping it completely still for a short while or a slight amount of sideways downwards movements, from left to right.

And then when the compass needle is fully stabalised, putting the compass level again in a slow pace.

donderdag 29 oktober 2020

Making a molotov cocktail with a 3 litres to 5 litres glass bottle

Making a molotov cocktail with a 3 litres to 5 litres glass bottle.

With a cap on the bottle. Taped tight.

And two storm matches attached to the bottle, with protective material inbetween te storm matches and the bottle.

Warning: Highly dangerous.

-Most likely also a high radius of fire.

Putting on a fire protective suit.

Throwing it backwards with two hands. As far as possible. And running away, right after throwing (just to be sure).

Or throwing it from a hight, high enough onto the ground. 


Warning should be done on legal grounds to do so and a safe environment.

dinsdag 27 oktober 2020

vrijdag 23 oktober 2020

Destroying things and breaking in and or escaping part 2 (short version)

 Destroying things and breaking in and or escaping part 2


Breaking in (straight away, silent not needed).

Shooting through the right place of the door, with a shotgun.


Explosive at the right place of the door. The right explosive.


-Knowing which explosive

-Knowing where to get and or where to stand

-Timed or push button



Bending metals into a form for using it.


By Jef Koelewijn (JK)

Destroying things and breaking inside and or escaping

Destroying things and breaking inside and or escaping







Strength pull

Explosive pull

Bashing pull

-One pull


Bashing pulls

Bashing pulls, and in multiple directions


-Causing torsion

For rotating: Finding the right angles fast, for breaking


Learning a lot of metal bending methods and techniques.

-Bending metal over the upperleg

-With two hands, overhands and against the abdominals

-With two hands, underhand grip and under the chin

-Mixed grip, in front of the body

-And a lot more


Kick door in

-Forwards kick

-Backwards kick

Important: Also right place


One thick bar

-For rotating something until it breaks

-For putting in between things

Two thick bars

-For rotating something until it breaks

-For putting in between things

Bolt cutter

Pry bar

One plier

Two pliers




Torch cutter, cutting torch


-Voor hout




Hammer and chisel

Sledgehammer and chisel

-Maybe also a chisel holder


Glass normally, easily or quit easily breaks if hit by hard metal.


Metal bends easier if it is heated to glowing red.


It's possible to hit rope with a stone (moling) until there's quit a lot of deteroriation.

And then it's easier to break it.


Throwing something heavy on something from a hight


Hardness scale

-Can be very useful


Throwing something to break it.

Speed and explosive power


More momentum


Putting water inside a container and freezing it. Making it harder. For throwing it. 


Putting something heavy and hard inside textile for hitting material with it.


Range of motion. Stick and something hard on the end.

Length should be just right.



Light flexible. And hard on the end.


Battering ram

Using something as a battering ram.


Using something soft to dampen the impact on the fist for example.

Winding something around the fist is also possible
-Needs to be done the right way
-Als wind the first finger joints if needed
-More padding in the front is better
 And it can be combined with something
Important: Making a fist should still be easy. And the fist should be solid
                  and no ousticking first finger joints basicly
Always hitting with the most amount of knuckles possible
Never only the middle finger knuckle, when hitting a hard door or a wall for example


If needed, protect the eyes. 
It's also possible to hold the hands in front of the eyes while also holding the eyes closed
-Remember where to hit

Wind something around the hands and wrists for example

Wear enough clothing


For pulling something apart. Putting one end at the upperleg with the hand.

Stand on it and then pull the cable (device off), or rope or chain





Enough small damage and then big damage


To the wrong side sort to speak, so it breaks


Widging by putting in between

Widging with 2 solid bars


Putting it in an angle against a wall and then kicking it through


Breaking wood with the upperleg


Downward throws
-With hard metal
-With stones


Hit with end, metal pipe, less blunt

Will go into things faster


By /JK, Jef Koelewijn

maandag 19 oktober 2020

Movement training with obstacles

Over logs

Under through logs


Over wooden walls

Over brick walls


Jumping to a log


Rope climbing, vertical

-With using the feet to lock the rope

-Without also using the feet to lock the rope


2 ropes, horizontal, and going from one side to the other


Rope net climb

Jumping to a rope net


Climbing from one side to the other side by a horizontal rope

Climbing from one side to the other side by a horizontal log

Metal bar climb from one side to the other, horizontal


Climbing to the top of a vertical metal bar around 40-50 mm thick

Climbing to the top of a vertical quit thick metal pole


Climbing onto a wall with a rope. And then down on the other side


Multiple horizontal bars at the same hight with horizontal spacings. And then going from one side to the other side. Without touching the ground.


Multiple horizontal logs with vertical spacing. And then climbing to the highest one.


Climbing over a steep wooden wall

-Steep towards self

Over a wooden wall, which is steep to the other side


Climbing over a fence

Self making and improvising fireproof, bomb resistant and bullet resistant suits

Self making, the following through self buyed materials.

A fireproof suit

A bomb suit

A bullet resistant suit

And tests. (at the right place, and while not having the suit on)


Self making the following, through what's at hand fast.

Improvised fireproof suit

Improvised bomb suit

Improvised bullet resistant suit

And tests. (at the right place, and while not having the suit on)


By Jef Koelewijn

zaterdag 17 oktober 2020

For a more complete night camouflage

Black camouflage paint over the face


Contact lenses with black, which will go over the eye white.

Non reflective.

-Good non reflective.


Good black camouflage paint for the teeth.

-High quality.

 No strange taste.

 Should not cause a problem.

 Should not cause irritation of the mouth and or throat and or lungs.


Black camouflage paint over the hands. Which will not cause stains on materials and all.

-Might cause a problem. Slipping, maybe.


Everything should be non reflective, if it might reflect light.

-Scopes also.


Important: Tests first.

By Jef Koelewijn

Some extra camouflage research

Camouflage clothing colour when dry and when weth, non dry, with water.

-Two of the exact same camouflage clothing and then making one weth and then comparing the dry one and the non dry one with each other.

And maybe finding out how to prevent colour change if present. And if needed. For perfection.

vrijdag 16 oktober 2020

Improvised napalm molotov cocktail, firebomb

Improvised napalm molotov cocktail, firebomb.

Burnable liquid with the right thickening or gell agent. And the combination should not be hazardous (toxic gass, producing for example), should not be dangerous by itself.


-With a metal screw cap

-And 1 storm match or 1 storm match at each side. And with a protective piece between the glass and the storm match (will protect the storm match, and the glass bottle).

More camouflaged light

Maybe: When in a green environment at night, green light might most likely be more camouflaged.

For if light is needed.

And maybe the light can be made so it looks more like the environment.

donderdag 15 oktober 2020

Camouflage and concealment (short, and basic)

 Camouflage and concealment.


Don't look different then the suroundings and the environment

Also if needed make sure the equipment does not look different then the suroundings and the environment

Keep in the shadows of bigger objects like buildings

Don't stand against the skyline


Moving carefully



-Leaning out of windows

 (when not needed)

-Isolated cover



Camouflage paint, for the face.

For camouflage paint, on the face. Sometimes they say too much is bad and too little is bad. Sometimes just right is better they say.


When with more people, walking more spaced. 

Also maybe more spaced due to sideways distances.

Also less visable from above, mainly, I think.


Bushes on head.

Still and silent if needed, from above it will be hard to be detected.

And works when between bushes.


Military notes part 2











Equipment weight, only a certain amount of time and distance.

Knowing what to take with. For maximum walking speed. But enough equipment.


In the shadows, for against air observations. When nothing else nearby.

Best next to something.


Taking grass away and putting it back like it was after being done.


Enemy weapon knowledge. And also training with them.

The knowledge can also be useful.

Military notes part 1


Movement training.

Walking, fast walking, running, sprinting.

Military crawling

-All directions

-Multiple hights

-Head low

Crawling while on the back



Bear crawling

Stomach to the ground and hands at or around the ankles (research needed for the right wording)

Hands and feet on the ground, while back is to the ground


And more


Getting everything on and ready in the fastest times

Sudden wake up and getting clothes and more on as soon as possible.


Doing everything while carrying full equipment.

Also the firearm.


Stress tests, physical tiredness and problem solving.

Problem solving, while physical.


Map reading.


Compass use.






Seeing everything or everything important or as much as possible in one time


Measuring distance


Packing the backpack. Full equipment.

-There are certain packing ways, techniques and methods.


Improving eyesight

-Important: Not tiring the eyes or atleast not too much

Improving night eyes.

Improving hearing

-Hearing amount

-And being able to know the direction of the sound


Two sided camouflage clothing, extra

Two sided camouflage clothing. Extra.

Changing the clothing to reverse right away, if possible.


The right spot, out of vission possibly with enough trees and or bushes and or darker, maybe in the shade, for putting the clothing on in reverse.

And it might also be better do it lower, kneeled for example or completely on the ground.

-Jacket, kneeled.

-Pants maybe completely on the ground

maandag 5 oktober 2020

Movement training 5

Walking, fast walking, running and sprinting uphill.

Walking, fast walking, running and sprinting downhill.


Running while the terrain constantly changes.

-Uphill, downhill. Sandpits. Obstacles. And more.



-Up and down.


Urban parcourses. In buildings. From building to building, going through the building completely.

Big sand bags for a base and fortifications

Big sand bags (around 1.5 - 2 metres high I think per bag), giant sand bags. Of a good material.

And building a base or atleast the fortifications, through the filling of the bags. 

The bags will take up low amounts of space and they are light.

And then filling them on the spot with sand.

It's also possible to stack the bags.

I had seen this recently.

Update: Mainly they also put metal around it. Metal construction mesh, mainly.

maandag 28 september 2020

Two sided camoflage clothing

 Two sided camouflage clothing.

For example. On one side only full white. And on the other side white and black, and maybe grey in patterns.

-Full white when there is only snow.

-And white and black in patterns for when entering long areas of vegitation and trees for example, maybe.

Tests first.

By Jef Koelewijn

zaterdag 26 september 2020

Movement training 4

 To a kneeled position with one knee on the ground and 1 knee up

-Right knee up, left knee on the ground

-Left knee up, right knee on the ground

To a stomach flat on the ground position

To on the side of the body on the ground

To a back on the ground position

And changing from one position to the other

And also with changing direction

-For example from a kneeled position on the ground with one knee up and one knee on the ground

 To making a 90 degree change and to a position with the stomach flat on the ground.

Movement training 3





Urban like parcourses.

Forest like parcourses.

Movement training version 2

Walking. Fast walking.




Also: walking, fast walking, running and sprinting.



-And also constantly changing together with forwards. A parcourse


Military crawling. Head low.

-Hights and speeds

-And also all directions and rotational

Bear crawling.

-Normal forwards 

-And also directions and rotational




-And also sideways


 And maybe into an angle (I still need to test that)

Rolling while flat on the ground.


Facing to the ground hands kept at the back, maybe grabbed at somewhere and moving.

Back to the ground, hands kept at the front, together and moving.

Back to the ground on hands and feet and moving.


Running past by obstacles.

Jumping over obstacles.

Clearing gaps.


Getting low or completely on the ground as fast as possible.





Fast and explosive sudden movements.



-All kinds of jumps




-And also:


 And backwards



-Heel plant first

-Balls of the feet plant first

Fast sneaking.


Climbing. (safety important)

-Over walls

-Onto buildings

-Into trees


vrijdag 25 september 2020

Escaping 2

When making a hole in the wall.

Using a poster in front of the hole.

Or something which has the same colour as the wall, which can be put in the taken out parts of the wall and is easily to take away when done taking away the full part of the wall.


Taking things with, stealing things which are usefull or needed for the escaping.


Before escaping.

Good plan for the escape. And what to do.

Getting ready.

-Physical training



(still needs testing)

Corner climb. Inside corner and climb up.


For a more sudden escape:

Stealing the keys or a pass.

Slight of hand.


Maybe distraction needed.


Watching, observing.

Finding out patterns.

Finding weaknesses and more.

-More time

-More doors open

-Places where no one is watching for some time

-Waiting for opportunities


Faking an illness.

-To maybe get at a better spot for escaping


If they are corrupt:


Sending letters.


Rather not but if corrupt and or torture of certain kinds.

Pepper, black or white pepper. Blinding powder.


Stealing electronic, usable equipment from them.



Things which are getable or buyable.

-Looking through the whole list

-And some things can be combined to be useful

Things which are already at hand.


For sudden escape

(still needs testing)

Taking with, something of iron or stainless steel, binding textile along the hand and arm and bashing through the window.

-Important: Standing right, and maybe protecting the eyes.


An improvised way to cut, saw through rope

 Using a key (with groves) to cut, saw through rope. 

-Warning: There's a very small chance to damage the key. Better: Use the key with the least value, and which is effective.

Tested, worked.


Digging underby.

Sawing through.

Scraping through a wall or something else.


Important for the above:

Making the least amound of noise.

Making sound when no one will hear it.

Masking sound with normal sound.

Making sound when there is constant louder sound.


If more reach is needed. Making something longer, binding things together. And maybe making a hook.

Using a rope with something just heavy enough.


Hooks for climbing over a high fence.

Textile for putting over barbed wire.


Rope and a hook, for climbing

-Maybe rope put together to form thicker rope

Throwing hook, for climbing


Textile put together to form a rope.

-Dangerous if done incorrectly

Knowing how to silently remove a window


Putting things on each other to get higher.


Taking over.

Maybe it's needed to find more people who want to escape, and should escape.

And then make plans.


By Jef Koelewijn

vrijdag 18 september 2020

Freeing oneself and escaping 2

Textile to dampen the bashing sound for example

Hiding something beforehand

-Something sharp

-Something to lockpick

-Or something for leverage


Using a piece of textile to protect the hands or wrists


By Jef Koelewijn

Freeing oneself and escaping



-Brute force (possible with some)



Undoing knots with the hands.

Undoing knots with the teeth.

Seeing if possible: Going through the rope with the teeth (cut (front teeth), stab and cut (canine teeth), moling (molar teeth).

Seeing if usefull (experimental, for research): Water or other fluid

Finding something sharp

Creating something sharp


Tai rips

-Brute force, brute power

-With a shoe lace and sawing through

-With the teeth

Finding something sharp

Creating something sharp


Might be needed to stand up.

-Training that

--Hands on the front and hands on the back



Find weakness, and exploit 


More 1:





Bigger or wider when done on.

-Then body or body part to normal again

Bashing against something

Something through and rotating that


The thumb nail

-For rope and or tai rips


Destroying training

-Brute strength


-Extra: Both

Gain knowledge


By Jeffried Koelewijn

For sneaking and camouflaging

1 or more sneak one or more detect(s).


1 or more camouflages 1 or more detect(s) while that person or they are closing in.

donderdag 17 september 2020

Movement training 3

Sudden movements, 1 to 3 steps in all kinds of angles.

Sudden movements and changing the angle after 1 to 3 steps each time.


Jumping over.

Ducking under by.


Sudden movements of the body, without walking or taking a step.


Walking. Fast walking. Running. And sprinting. While keeping a low poisture.


Going past hard to pass by obstacles.

Holding physical positions

Holding multiple different basic body positions.

Holding uncomfortable body positions.



Holding body positions where balance is important.

By Jeffried Koelewijn

Movement training 2

45 degree movements. Suddenly. 1-3 steps. Fast, explosively.


Standing up.

-Multiple ways


Break falling.


Walking on the balls of the feet.

Speed walking on the balls of the feet.

Running on the balls of the feet.

Sprinting on the balls of the feet.

Squated walking.



-Vertical jumps, for hight

-Forward jumps

-Sideway jumps

-Backward jumps


Movement and while balance is needed. 


All movements through each other.


1 hand at the wrist. 

-Running forwards

-Running backwards

-Sprinting forwards

-Sprinting backwards

-A parcourse

1 hand at the wrist, at the back.

-Running forwards

-Running backwards

-Sprinting forwards

-Sprinting backwards

-A parcourse


Movement training

Walking. Fast walking.






-And also constantly changing. A parcourse


Everything on all kinds of terrains

-Sand. Soft and hard


-Gravel like terrains

-Hard ground and stone

Extra: Snow


Crawling. Head low.

-Hights and speeds

-All directions and rotational

Bear crawling.

-All directions and rotational






Rolling while flat on the ground.


Facing to the ground hands kept at the back, maybe grabbed at somewhere and moving.

Back to the ground, hands kept at the front, together and moving.

Back to the ground on hands and feet and moving.


Running past by obstacles.

Jumping over obstacles.

Clearing gaps.


Getting low or completely on the ground as fast as possible.





Fast and explosive sudden movements.



-All kinds of jumps







Fast sneaking



-Over walls

-Onto buildings

-Into trees


By Jeffried Koelewijn

dinsdag 8 september 2020

For two handed bats, maces, batons and sticks which are used as weapons

Knowledge for two handed bats, maces, batons and sticks which are used as weapons. And also for improvised weapons, like longer crowbars/prybars.

A close grip (hands close together), around the base of the weapon: Is for hard attacks. 

A wide grip: Is more for faster attacks and also for if there is space shortage. 


Grip changing is possible. 

-From close grip to wide grip. And from wide grip to close grip.

-And from left hand above to right hand above. And from right hand above to left hand above.


And sometimes it's possible to hit with the base of the weapon, for critical close by ranges.


By Jeffried Koelewijn

zondag 30 augustus 2020

A couple of bullets

Normal bullet.

Hollow bullet, for more to maximum tissue damage. 

Plus, +, shaped bullet for more to maximum tissue penetration.


Tungsten carbide, for armour piercing bullets.

- 9 to 9,5 at mhs scale (goes to 10 mhs, which is the hardest basicly, or hardest known).


zaterdag 29 augustus 2020

Penetration of a bullet in normal sand and in sand with water

Penetration of a bullet in normal sand and in sand with water.

-Same amount of sand with both.

-And the same kind of container.

If interesting, closeable and without the evaporation of water.

vrijdag 28 augustus 2020

More advanced silent and stealthed firearms

 Silent firearms 

Stealthed firearms

Silent cocking

Silent firing

-The hammer motion and the rest of the mechanics

 More silent ignition          (and without loss of velocity)

-And a silencer for the bullet (and without loss of velocity)

Silent ejection of cartridges

Cartridge falls silent due to casing coating

Silent semi automatic, new input of cartridges.

More silent reloading


And the best materials for that.

-Dampening materials. Shock absorbing materials.


By Jeffried Koelewijn

zaterdag 22 augustus 2020

A special firearm (assualt rifle or sniper for example) scope or scope add on for behind cover or in trenches

 A rifle scope or sniper scope. Which has multiple parts or a part which can be fitted on.

A scope or an extra part for the scope, can be done on.




Like, so it's possible to see through the scope, while the gun is on the cover, but

the person is hiding, not being visable, while it's possible to see through the scope

and shoot down enemies.

I've actually seen similar ideas from the WWI and WWII trenches. But they were more primitive.

By Jef Koelewijn

vrijdag 21 augustus 2020

A low sneaking method

 A low sneaking method

Low sneaking with the hands on the upperlegs, for support and to easier keep a low poisture.

-This needs training though

woensdag 19 augustus 2020

High horizontal spread, firearm

 A weapon which has a very high percentage of horizontal spread.

Maybe a more flat and wide cartridge and a barrel accordingly.

Oval shaped maybe. If possible

Small round ammunition, a lot in one cartridge.

For hitting a lot of enemies at close to semi medium range.

Extra: Concealed and fast draw, close quarters shooting

Experimental notes for submachine gun

Running and shooting with a submachine gun.

And also sprinting.

Very fast

Very versatile

Fast from one target to the other

Sudden targets and shooting them fast

Firing, Running, Firing, Sprinting, Firing

To still or walking at the right times for shooting.

Shooting and walking at the same time.

Running and shooting at the same time. From fast running to slower running and shooting for example.

And fast ambushes. With extremely fast shooting and taking down enemies extremely fast, going from one target to the other extremely fast.

Also: Running to cover.

      Diving or, gliding, sliding to cover or to be completely behind low cover.

      Fast corner shooting, safest ways.

Reloading while running.

Normal firing

And hip fire

Knowing which instinctively

Taking rests at the right times 

-Enough cover, safe place, good place


Training accordingly

Knowledge for while it's dark

 Self being in the dark.

Person or people in the light. From lamps for example.

It's possible to see them clearly.

But for them it's hard to see you, because their eyes are not accustomed to seeing in the dark.

Also good for ambushes.

dinsdag 11 augustus 2020

Interesting, for corner shots, shooting from cover

Corner shots, shooting from cover.

Shooting to the right of a corner, with right hand, primary grip and a right hand trigger pull, right eye open, left eye closed,

faster vission of targets, and the head sticks out less (safer).

Shooting to the left of a corner, with left hand primary grip and a left hand trigger pull, left eye open, right eye closed,

faster vission of targets, and the head sticks out less (safer).

Warning: There might be a problem with the ejection port and ejected cartridges.

And this has to be trained, basicly, to work properly.


Having a cover with two sides.

It's possible to be less predictable.

Shooting from both sides.

And also different hights.

More for sneaking

 Low sneaking

Semi low sneaking

High posture sneaking


Sneaking behind cover, without anything visable, nothing sticking out


Small steps sneaking

Medium steps sneaking

Long steps sneaking

Slow sneaking

Semi slow sneaking

Medium fast sneaking

Semi fast sneaking

Fast sneaking

-Fast near soundless steps

Sneaking and taking down

 Sneaking and taking down enemies.

With a firearm

With a knife

With a blunt weapon

And also barehanded


Sneaking and ambushing

maandag 20 juli 2020

Important hearing training

Being able to distinquish multiple sounds and hear sound correctly and more.


Being able to concentrate on sound. 

Being able to hear someone or something when there's noise(s).



Increasing noise and noises. While needing to hear someone, recorded words or sentences or hearing something.

Making a full training.

vrijdag 17 juli 2020

A scope and a red dot, both on the assault rifle

A scope and a red dot, both on the assault rifle.

-Scope for far away enemies.
-Red dot for close by enemies.

Tilting the assault rifle to change from scope to red dot or from red dot to scope.

With a scope it's hard to shoot 2-3 closer by enemies, because of the searching needed, it's to zoomed in.
And with a red dot it's hard to shoot far away enemies.

zaterdag 11 juli 2020

Combat positions and movements for shooting

Combat positions and movements for shooting.

Full sideways on the ground.
On the stomach.
Sitting, with legs forwards.
And more positions

-And best positions for long term, due to for example, foot plant and or hand placement, leg angles, arm angles and so forth.

Best ways to get to positions. How to move.

From position to position.

Best positions and placements and angles for recoil control.

Best position for the situation.

Best ways to get to positions on:
-Hard ground

Should become instinctive.

With multiple different weapons.

And also reloading.

Break falling.


Good training:
From standing to kneeling.
-To left leg forwards
-To right leg forwards

To full sideways on the ground position.

To on the stomach.

To kneeling again.

To standing again.

Stealth, extra

Suppressing heavy, loud breathing.

Holding in sneezing.

A shovelling method

Short shovel.

A method:
Shovelling, squated. Straight back. 

Instant change over to a kneeling position to shovel further, when standing is becoming uncomfortable.

And instant change over again to standing shovelling, squated, straight backed.


Standing shovelling, to kneeling shovelling, to standing shovelling, to kneeling shovelling, until done.

woensdag 10 juni 2020

Experimental idea for night missions

Experimental idea for night missions.


Before night missions:

2-3 or more weeks before, only being awake in the evening and the night.
Sitting in a dark room, walking outside in the dark.

And no bright lights. And all.


Lighter version.

Low screen brightnesses.
Adjustable light and low light.
Dark or darkened room 2-3 hours before sleep.
Sunglasses on when going outside.


Shooting from a sitting position

Shooting from a sitting position. Also from a chair for example.

1 With pulling the firearm
2 Firearm ready for when needed.

Left hand or right hand. Sideways shooting from a chair.
-Shooting to the left side - Left hand trigger pull, left eye open, right eye closed. Or instinct shot.
-Shooting to the right side - Right hand trigger pull, right eye open, right eye closed. Or instinct shot.

And also with a submachine gun, assault rifle and a shotgun.

Important: Also instinctive shooting, without seeing the aligning of the sights. Fast response.

zaterdag 8 februari 2020

Basic shooting drills and trainings

Being able to shoot from any position
 -On the stomach
 -On the back
 -On the sides


Using both handgun cummon cocking methods


Fast shooting multiple close by targets while a scope is on the rifle,
while not looking through the scope.


Fastest draw and shoot two handed
-Right hand, main gun grip and trigger pull
-Left hand, main gun grip and trigger pull

Fastest draw and shoot one handed
-With right
-With left


Being able to shoot on instinct fast, without looking at the sights for example.


Multiple targets, close retention
-1 handed
-1 handed and 2 handed


1 shot, reload, 1 shot

Military shovel digging, shovelling

Military shovel digging, shovelling

Shovelling with the right hand on the front
Shovelling with the left hand on the front
-It's possible to change the front hand if needed, this can be usefull, when one arm gets tired.

Standing. Standing very squated. And kneeled.
And then digging deeper from inside the trench or squared hole itself.

And if the ground is to hard it's possible to put one foot on the shovel blade and to then push it into the ground.


And it's possible to dig with a broken off shovel blade if needed.
-Normal and it's possible to hold it reverse.
 And with only the left hand or the right hand. Switching when one hand or arm gets tired is possible.


And digging with the hands

dinsdag 28 januari 2020

Greater to great damage with certain improvised weapons which can't pierce the skull

Greater to great damage with certain improvised weapons which can't pierce the skull, or will most likely not pierce the skull.

Warning: Should only be used if really necesary, to not get killed.
This can gravely injure or kill a person.

If it would not pierce the skull. Some of the below I know will work. Others still need
research through physiological knowledge in the literature.

For example with a pencil.

It's possible to stab it through the inner ear, eye, eye socket (just below the eye).
And well possibly at the back of the neck just under the skull.
In the neck at the side.
If long enough maybe through the nose, as far upwards as possible.

Shooting through those places is also possible.
-From close range, works best.
-Also possible with a crossbow which is not hard enough to pierce the skull.

Grounded knife fighting training

Knife fighting training on the ground.

With a rubber knife offcourse, when training with another person.

maandag 27 januari 2020

A body armour plate for in a bullet proof vest which doubles as a military shield shovel

A body armour plate for in a bullet proof vest which doubles as a military shield shovel.

With a certain mechanism so a handle can be put in or on. Maybe with a thread mechanism, or a clicking mechanism. Or simply with the handle attached and a certain vest.

Extra: Double ballistic plate possibility

By Jef Koelewijn
From the Netherlands
Written on: 27-01-2020